Many many years ago I was a young exchange student living in a small town in Ohio, with a family which I´ll forever consider my own. By that time I had only lived in Rio de Janeiro, at a very special spot, facing Copacabana Beach. I lived in a post card, really. The apartment building where I used to live is the second one from right to left.
... And I was taken to a completely different environment - as beautiful as the one I had come from, but every bit of it contrasting to my home place. The US country side is beautiful and you will certainly agree with me! Take a look at the picture! I had never seen this kind of building shown bellow, which can be easily and frequently spotted in the Mid West. In fact had never seen a barn in my life! I had no idea how colorful the vegetation may get in beginning of Fall, either.
The Ohio landscape was a vision to me as a teen ager, ages before the Web. By the time I was granted the schoolarship, the small town I went to did not show in any, I said any, map. Not even in road maps. Yes, this was a long time ago.
I took my daughter to meet my American family when she was 4 years old. She felt just about the same visual impact I had experienced. However, she was, at that time, already familiar with the pictures in the many North American country style decoration magazines I used to purchase and treasure for obvious reasons. She found out for hersel Enchanted Land was true and she was in it.
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