This chair dates from the early XX Century. British colonial style, I used to be told when I was a child. It surprised me to see many of them, exactly alike, at the Governor´s Palace in Jamestown, Virginia, USA. I could then understand what "British colonial style" ment.
Of course at the time my grandmother was decorating her summer apartment in Rio de Janeiro, on the second building to be built facing Copacabana Beach, there were not furniture stores. Families ordered from catalogs and had them handmade. It probably took artisans a long time to get them done, but time ran slower by then, I guess.
Most people would go for Portuguese or French style but not my grandmother. She was way too independent to follow the main track. I myself have never, ever, seen anything similar in Brazil. Maybe it´s been popular in Commonwealth countries. I don´t know.
Today I decided to give it a new look, different from the traditional upholstery renewed from time to time. New make up, starting with blush, shadows...
And it came out like this.
I´m not sure I like it, though.
It seems sort of a heretic thing to do, doesn´t it?
I decided to think it over.
I´ll appreciate your opinion and comments.